The incisors, 8 in number, « the teeth of the smile », are used to cut food. The canines, of which there are 4 in the jaw, are the teeth with the longest roots. They allow for shredding, and are therefore absent from the jaws of herbivores. The premolars (8) and...WHAT IS A TOOTH ?
A tooth is composed of a crown and one or more roots, included in the alveolar bone. The crown represents the visible part of the tooth. A tooth is formed using 4 different tissues: enamel, dentin, cementum and finally, pulp. The enamel, which is the outermost part of...URGENCES
Que faire si … J’ai décollé un boitier ? On remarque aisément un boitier décollé, il se déplace sur l’arc. Il faut appeler le cabinet pour que nous vous fixions rapidement un rendez-vous, et cela même si votre prochain rendez-vous est proche. En effet, une dent non...