While some fear visits to their dental surgeon for the pain that may result, others dread this appointment for the nausea that the care can cause. It is true that fingerprinting, sucking or pressing on the tongue can quickly lead to gag reflexes. While they are very unpleasant for the patient, they are also uncomfortable for the practitioner and his team, especially when they turn into vomiting.
If you are prone to this feeling of nausea, here are some tips that can help you reduce it significantly:
– While it is not recommended to come to the office on an empty stomach, it is also not advisable to have eaten a large meal before your appointment. So eat light and ideally, nibble on a banana half an hour before the consultation.
– Homeopathy can also help you. Feel free to take 5 granules of IPECA 9CH in the waiting room. This homeopathic medicine of plant origin is recommended in case of nausea accompanied by vomiting.
– Some acupuncture points are known for their benefits on nausea sensations. This is the case of the midpoint located on the crease of the chin. Do not hesitate to press strongly in this place before the consultation.
– A drop of peppermint essential oil under the tongue before the exam can also make this bad feeling disappear (Find out before giving essential oils to your child. Some of them can be bad, especially for the little ones.)
– Breathing also plays an essential role. Remember to breathe through your nose while keeping your mouth open.
– Finally, and even if it’s not always easy, just try to relax and unwind…