In children, the main goal of orthodontic treatment will be to promote harmonious growth of the teeth and jaw, so that they develop properly. The treatment will thus help the proper development of oral and nasal functions, will be able to intercept abnormalities...


Dentofacial orthopedics, commonly known as « orthodontics », is the specialty of Dentistry and Stomatology dedicated to the study and treatment of disorders related to abnormalities in the shape of the jaws and the position of the teeth. Orthodontics thus makes it...

Teeth whitening

Whether for one tooth or for your entire smile, we can now modify the hue of enamel which is covering your natural teeth. In most cases, only a dental surgeon can help you improve aspect and color of your smile. Scaling and stain removal can sometimes be innefficient...

Replacing missing teeth

A natural tooth is anchored in the bone through its roots. Without roots, we have to find solutions to solidly anchor a prosthesis.Ours Dentists at Lille (59000) and at Neufchatel-Hardelot (62152 ) will help advise you n the solution the most adaptedto your health....

Scanner dentaire 3D

Le Cone Beam, ou tomographie volumique numérisée à faisceaux coniques, est aujourd’hui la technique de référence en imagerie radiographique dentaire. En un seul cliché, nos chirurgiens dentistes à Lille (59000) peuvent radiographier toute la bouche, la...