First of all, and for the first consultations, it is very important, if your child is old enough to understand, to communicate with him and to explain the consultation in a neutral way, without preconceptions. Avoid as much as possible your own fears, which will inevitably turn on your child to turn into fears. If you are particularly sensitive to the dentist, do not hesitate to send your child with a third party who is not subject to this type of anxiety. It will be all the more beneficial for your child.
The dental appointment should be presented as a normal fact for all children. If your child is curious and asks you a lot of questions, it’s best to ask them to write down these questions and ask them directly to the dentist.
Also, it is strongly recommended to adapt your vocabulary and to banish all negative terms such as « evil », « fear », « sting », « tear »,… Don’t hesitate to use softer and why not « funny » words. Thus, prefer « tickle the teeth » rather than « scaling », or « count the teeth » instead of « dental examination ».
During the consultation, it is possible that your child will have a crying fit… Don’t worry, it’s a perfectly normal reaction to the unknown, the unusual and the foreign.
After the consultation, highlight your child’s courage with encouragement and congratulations… Nevertheless, avoid gifts that can remind him that the dentist is a bad time to have.