Distributed so as to preserve the nerves that connect the gum to the lips, implants absorb 100% of the pressure from chewing and transfer these forces to the jawbone, which will cease therefore to atrophy. Facial structure is restored and the person has a dentition as aesthetic and functional than the one nature had once provided.Ours dentists in Lille (59000) and/or Neufchatel-Hardelot (62152 ) near Bulogne sur mer will tell you the best choice for you.
Implants provide different types of prostheses:

Replacing an incisor with a unitary implant covered with a fixed crown : perfect illusion of real teeth and maximum protection of oral health

Replacing several teeth with dental implants covered with fixed crowns: total illusion of a real dentition and maximum protection for teeth and oral health.

Partial replacement of missing teeth with a fixed bridge anchored on implants.

Removable prosthesis supported by four implants:
The masticatory forces are supported by four implants, and improves by 80%. Comfort and quality of mastication are greatly improved.

Bottom removable prosthesis supported by 5 implants:
As you can see, five implants are the ideal solution for maintaining complete dentures.
The masticatory forces are divided over the entire prosthesis.

Top denture supported by 8 implants:
Here, eight osseo-integrated implants support the retaining bar of the prosthesis. Implants bear 100% of masticatory forces and clear the palatal arch.