As explained in our section « The interest of orthodontic treatment« , it is possible to consult an orthodontist at any age. However, teeth and gums undergo an aging process just like the rest of the body. Thus, even if dental movements made in children or adolescents can be reproduced on adults, special precautions will have to be taken. To find out everything about adult treatment, go to our dedicated article.
There are still key periods of life to consult.
Around 3-4 years old, it is quite rare to go to an orthodontist.
Around 6-8 years of age, it is the ideal time for screening: the milk incisors begin to fall out, and the dentition has both temporary and permanent teeth (this is called « mixed » dentition). The practitioner will then already be able to assess whether there are any position abnormalities on certain teeth, poor relations between the two jaws, or abnormalities in functions such as chewing, ventilation or phonation.
During the free dental check-ups at 6 and 9 years old, your dental surgeon will possibly report an orthodontic problem, on which it will already be possible to carry out early treatment.
Although it is possible to consult at any age, orthodontic treatment is no longer reimbursed by Social Security once the 16thTh birthday passed. To find out more, go to our article « Reimbursement »