A natural tooth is anchored in the bone through its roots. Without roots, we have to find solutions to solidly anchor a prosthesis.Ours Dentists at Lille (59000) and at Neufchatel-Hardelot (62152 ) will help advise you n the solution the most adaptedto your health.
There are 3 methods to deal with absent roots.
Removable Prosthesis:
Disadvantages: :
– It is removable
– It is bigger and less comfortable than a fixed prosthesis, whether a bridge or an implant.
– It puts pressure on remaining teeth.
Advantages :
– Unavoidable when other solutions are not possible.

Advantages :
The most usual solution, very reliable, and aesthetically pleasing.
Disadvantages :
To replace a missing tooth, we have to prepare the adjacent teeth by triming them, et quite often by doing a root canal job on them, which weakens them.

Implant or artificial root
Advantages :
An implant is the best solution to protect the adjacent teeth, while maintaining the bone and preventing other teeth from loosing their own support.
Disadvantages :
This solution can only be used when adjacent teeth have not moved. The bone which will receive the implant must be bulky enough and of good quality.