For any dental injury, the first reflex is to contact our practice or the nearest hospital.
If you lose a tooth, follow these first aid measures to maximize its preservation:
– Start by rinsing it under water, grasping it by the crown. It is very important to never touch the roots with your fingers.
– Never keep the tooth in cotton, in a cloth and never dry it… The tooth should never stay dry!
– Try to put the tooth back in its housing by applying light pressure. CAUTION: This recommendation is only valid for permanent teeth, never try to put a baby tooth back in place!
– If you are unable to put the tooth back in its housing, place it in your mouth, between the gums and the cheek.
– If you cannot put the tooth in your mouth (child or unconscious person), immerse it in a glass of milk or in physiological serum.
To go further:
Discover the UFSBD patient file dedicated to dental trauma.