In children, the main goal of orthodontic treatment will be to promote harmonious growth of the teeth and jaw, so that they develop properly. The treatment will thus help the proper development of oral and nasal functions, will be able to intercept abnormalities already present, and will reduce the risk of dental trauma.
In adolescents, the orthodontist will seek to treat the anomalies that exist in the teeth, paying particular attention to the overall aesthetics of the mouth, and to the proper organization of the teeth once adult.
Finally, in adults, orthodontics will seek to correct the arrangement of the teeth, with several goals, although often, the first objective is to improve the aesthetics of the smile. An adult orthodontic treatment will also ensure optimal chewing function, and can, possibly, be used to facilitate the realization of dental prostheses.
In all cases, orthodontic treatments will improve vital functions such as chewing, swallowing, breathing and phonation. Sometimes, collaboration with other health professionals may be necessary, due to a problem external to the teeth that will have an impact on them, or for a more general management of the patient’s health. « Orthodontics, the result of cooperation between several health professionals »